Sheriff Randy Johnson
Sheriff Randy Johnson brings 33 plus years of law enforcement experience to the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Johnson’s vision for Jasper County is to make it a safe and enjoyable place for all citizens, and being active in the day-to-day operations of every department, as well as working as a team, are examples of how he plans to achieve his vision. Sheriff Johnson prides himself in being available to the citizens he serves and urges anyone to contact him with any questions or concerns. Please call (601) 422-7565

Major Styron Keller
Chief Deputy
Chief Deputy, Major Styron Keller, brings 24 years of Law Enforcement experience to the Jasper County Sheriff's Department. Major Keller's primary responsibility is to assist the Sheriff in the day to day operations of the Jasper County Sheriff's Department.

Captain Spencer Richardson
Patrol Division
Spencer Richardson serves as Captain over the Patrol Division for the Jasper County Sheriff's Department. Captain Richardson brings 25 years of experience to the department.

Karen Sumrall
Administrative Assistant
Karen Sumrall, serves as the Administrative Assistant for the Jasper County Sheriff's Department.

Gloria Stevens
Jail Administrator
Jail Administrator, Gloria Stevens, has been a part of Jasper County Sheriff's Department for 16 years. Gloria is responsible for the day to day operations of the Jail and care of the Inmates.

Inga Jones
Dispatch Supervisor
Inga Jones, serves as Dispatch Supervisor, for the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department. Inga has previously worked for Jones County E911 and brings 7 years of experience to the position.