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Burglary suspects arrested

On August 11,2019 at approximately 4:15 PM, a Deputy with the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department, received a call from a resident on CR 33 in the Claiborne community. The resident reported to the deputy that two suspicious people had been seen going in a shed behind a residence near CR 33 and CR 31 intersection. Deputies arrived in the area and found Joseph Allan Smith and Danyell Little in the area. Deputies questioned these two individuals and while doing so found some items in the ditch which were identified as items that were once in the shed. While Deputies were at the scene, a car driven by Alice Mina Lofton and occupied Thomas Eric Bordlon and Andrew Wesley Jones, pulled into the residence where the deputies and two suspects were. Deputies spoke with Alice Lofton and received a verbal consent to search the car. Items reported stolen from a burglary call on CR 359 earlier that morning were discovered in the trunk of the vehicle. All five suspects were discovered to be together and were charged with Burglary of a dwelling. Bond will be set by Judge Sullivan Dukes later today.
Andrew Wesley Jones and Thomas Eric Bordlon were later released without charges.